While there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting older – after all, they say wisdom comes with age, there is also nothing wrong with not wanting your wisdom written all over your face. Wrinkles are a visitor non-grata and we do everything within our power to either soften and blur their appearance when they have already arrived, or do a preemptive strike and turn to every possible method that will slow them down in their tracks. Luckily, we live in an age where great strides have been made in the field of cosmetic industry, skincare as well as highly effective natural solutions, and today we will be exploring them all so you can keep signs of aging at bay for as long as it’s humanly possible and retain that fresh, plump and radiant complexion.
Youth from within
By now, you must have heard of the term ‘superfoods’. These are a group of foods which have been granted the ‘super’ prefix due to their amazing properties and concentration of invaluable micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many others. There are superfoods for essentially any problem, skin or health one, and today we present you with the best anti-aging superfoods. The list includes: tomatoes, which thanks to its richness with lycopene has the power to fend off UV induced wrinkles and other signs of aging. Next are all kinds of berries, but strawberries and blueberries in particular, because they are literally bursting with antioxidants (substances that may prevent or delay some types of cell damage). Finally, there is the delicious pomegranate, rich in vitamin C, and your new best friend in the fight against aging. All these foods are super easy to incorporate into your diet, so start as of today.
The right tools
When fighting the good fight, you need the right skincare arsenal to help you do it. There are some truly powerful topical solutions out there, but in the spirit of keeping things natural, we will only be turning to natural and organic ones. These products may take their time to do their magic as they aren’t filled with chemicals, but Mother Nature knows best and once they do work, their impact is both effective and safe. Start with an organic face wash for your skin type, as well as a makeup remover and cleanser. Then introduce a power player – the mighty serum. Now all you need is a great day and evening cream, as well as an incredible eye cream – got to fend off those crow’s feet, and as far as topical solutions you’re all set. If you love having a perfect natural tan, find an organic and natural tanning product that can give you the look of a sunkissed goddess without damaging your skin in the tanning beds. Remember to gently exfoliate every three days, and you’ll be all right.
When they have already set up camp
There are times when signs of aging creep up on us and before we know it, we just wake up one day and start noticing the lines. This is the time to resort to modern medicine, as today’s treatments and procedures are nothing like the ones in the old times. They are painless and non-invasive, and the best part, the results are completely natural-looking, so no one will know you had something done except you. One of the most popular treatments among Australians, for instance, innovative anti-wrinkle injections. The process is completely painless, and they include pure protein that makes your skin plumper, smoother and simply beaming with youthfulness.
Another amazing treatment
The days of caution-free times in the sun tend to leave their mark on the skin. Sometimes it’s hyperpigmentation, other times wrinkly and leathery skin. One of the most popular procedures that reverse all the damage the sun has caused is the one that goes by the name eMatrix, which is fractional resurfacing achieved by using radiofrequency energy, all those signs can be removed. This device or procedure works in such a manner that it delivers radiofrequency (electrical) energy in a grid-like pattern below the skin’s surface, creating tiny skin injuries that promote collagen regeneration. You might experience a bit of redness after the treatment, but after that, you’ll look fresh as a daisy. The best part is, the results of this treatment are long term, as the procedure kicks-off collagen production, and your skin is then, so to say, back in business, producing collagen on its own.
The wonder of nature
If you haven’t met the wonder that is matcha tea, perhaps it’s time to get acquainted. Matcha tea is a version of the green tea, although a much more concentrated and powerful one. Namely, matcha tea contains 137 times more antioxidants than regularly brewed green tea, and you can then imagine how much that is given that even regular green tea is packed with antioxidants. The best part is that you can both drink it, and keep the vitality and health of your body intact, and the results will also show on your skin. On the other hand, you can make a wonderful and highly effective natural matcha face mask, that delivers all the antioxidants directly to the surface of your face and leaves it glowing, so this is something you should definitely make a habit of.
Sleep tight
According to dermatologists, sleeping is the ‘closest thing to the fountain of youth’ so make sure you get anywhere between 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, as during this time your body and face rejuvenate, replenish and reboot.
Yes, there are wonderful solutions, both medical, topical and natural ones, so give them all a try and nip aging in the bud. Let the wisdom be recognized from the things you say and not read on your face.