10 Carry On Luggage Tips

If you stress about packing for trips that take you across different countries and climates, follow these tips to pack carry on luggage like a seasoned international jet setter. With a limited amount of space this kind of packing can be tricky but these shortcuts will get you boarded and sorted without any drama or fuss.
1. Choosing Carry On Luggage
It starts with good sensible luggage. If you do not already have carry on luggage or are in need of new luggage:
- look for hard top luggage
- that divides into two sections
- and has the capacity to expand,
- with a zipper section on one side and an open section on another,
- has four wheels (not two),
- and is super easy to recognize because at the terminal they can all look alike.
Carry-on bag size varies by airline which can catch you by surprise, so make sure you visit your airline’s website before buying new luggage.
Beautiful, streamlined and very cool luggage is great but only if you can take it with you on board.
2. Second Piece of Carry On Luggage
For most travelers on Economy flights, you are allowed one carry-on bag plus one personal item, as long as the total weight is below seven kilos. The maximum dimensions of the largest item is 56cm x 36cm x 23cm with the second item small enough to fit under the seat in front of you.
This second piece of carry on luggage is super important for lots of reasons. Having two bags is great but choosing a second piece that helps you to be hands free, is a bonus.
A backpack or across the body style of bag is perfect! You can fit a lot inside, it is very light and leaves you to be ‘hands free’ for everything else. Choose a bag with soft fabric that can bend or fold to fit into tight spaces, like under the seat.
This second carry on luggage bag will have your toiletries, laptop, phone, sunglasses, reading glasses, lipstick and anything you might need at security and immigration.
If you like to go step further, invest in a belt bag that you can wear and have with you at all times.
It cleverly fits a phone, passport, credit card, one lipstick and any other vital items. Your belt bag becomes the only bag you have to access during your flight or as you move around airports or terminals. Your second carry-on is your next layer with reading glasses, lipstick etc, leaving your main carry on luggage unopened until you reach your destination.
3. The Power of the Packing Cube!
How you pack your carry on luggage is very important. You want things organized, accessible and easily identifiable.
Packing cubes are unbeatable when it comes to streamlining your packing. Amazon sell a lot of basic packing cubes, which you can get in different colors and different sizes. You can add tops and sweaters in one, pants in another and dresses in another. This organizes your clothing and helps you to fit more in!
4. The Trick to Toiletry Bags is..
Select two bags; one for toiletries and one for makeup. This keeps items organized, separate and keeps makeup and brushes drier and cleaner.
If you are replacing old toiletry bags, look for toiletry bags made of softer, waterproof fabric with separate compartments for razors, toothbrushes and liquid hair products like shampoo and conditioner. These bags should look different to help you find things faster.
Where ever you can skip liquids completely, or have them stored in separate in a clear plastic bag so you can quickly bin them when you go through security.
But the real trick to traveling light and still having access to everything you need is to pack sample sizes of everything. That’s everything from deodorant to Advil, dry shampoo, Q tips. In fact, here’s a list.
5. What to Put in Your Toiletry Bag
- Dry shampoo
- Q – tips
- Advil or other headache tablets
- Hand cream
- Sunscreen
- Tissue pack
- First aid pack
- Moisturizer
‘Sample size’ gives you a little of everything while travelling. Replace these with larger, economical sizes when you arrive. The internet might make the world feel smaller but some exotic places won’t have your favourites so be mindful when you pack to take just enough of everything.

6. Best Makeup Bag List
At home we all have a serious selection of eye shadows, lipsticks, blushes and brushes but when you travel you need to get minimalist and realistic about what you will use. The best solution is to pack your makeup like a French woman and take only one eye shadow palette and the tiniest brush set you can find. This will help you to freshen up, anywhere, in no time at all.
7. Travelling and Jewellery
The best advice is not to travel with a lot of valuable jewellery. Wedding and engagement rings can make you the target of thieves. The best way not to worry about valuables is to leave them at home. That’s one reason why we love our pieces; you get the look without the worry!

A few basics pieces like a necklaces and earrings are all you need. A small jewelry bag with a different compartments for necklaces and earrings will protect them, keep them untangled and in order.
8. Techno Baby
Don’t forget to add your headphones, noise cancelling headphones, cables and charger for your phone or laptop to your list of must-haves. There are cute little technology bags with special pockets and little elastic bands for your cables to store them away with your carry on luggage.
You can find these bags anywhere, including Amazon but you can keep is simple and use a smaller cube. They both work. Keep your laptop in a separate bag to protect it.
The key to this traveling strategy is about having easy access to your things. This works for you and especially if you are traveling with children. Imagine knowing where pajamas or toothbrushes are stored at any time?
9. Clothing Capsule
A mini capsule wardrobe filled with a few basics and accessories is the simplest, most effective way to travel. You want to take less that this minimalist wardrobe below, but you always want to look well-dressed.
Depending on the season and where you are travelling, choose the bare essentials, but have enough items to keep you warm, stylish and looking fresh.
Footwear can be heavy and takes up space, so aim for three pairs of shoes. If you are planning on doing a lot of walking or hiking, take shoes that work with your schedule as well as your wardrobe.
Travel days are perfect for layering your clothes, like tank tops, long sleeve tees, a sweater or cardigan, a light jacket and all topped off with pieces that are big and bulky like a puffer or a coat. You can easily wear five layers on board without feeling dragged down and widening your dressing options while you are away.
From scarves to statement necklaces or earrings, accessories like these take little space and can make your look feel fresh again. Add a scarf around your neck that doubles up as a soft pillow or blanket on your flight and later again, as an accessory. One pair of dazzling earrings can set off an outfit more than makeup or a bag. Choose colors that you can wear with most pieces in your mini capsule.
10. Luggage Weight
Ever worried about your luggage being overweight? Airlines are getting tougher about carry on luggage weight, so scales are a great investment.
There are tiny scales that you can attach to your suitcase and weigh it at any time. Suddenly, you can stop sweating or throwing out things at the last minute. It can take the fun out of travelling. If you you’re your luggage weight under control but you need more space, the last tip will really help you.
11. Extra Shopping Tip!
Take a duffel bag with you. It should fold up into a little tiny compact. Make it the last thing you put into your suitcase. Then, if you have some last minute shopping or buy more than you expect, you can check this bag in at the last minute and shop to your heart’s content.
When ever and where ever you are travelling, travel safely and use these tips to plan the best possible time and make it a dream trip.